Monday, April 23, 2012

This has taken forever. Here are some pictures of Izzy finally. Pictures of her birth are to come but can be seen on my Facebook account.

Izzy's Story:
Isabella Annalise Nelson was born on Dec. 22, 2011. She weighed 6 lbs. 11 oz. and had a beautiful head of hair. From the beginning she was healthy and strong. Dave and I were able to bring her home on Dec. 24th just in time for Christmas Eve at the Nelson's. It was a beautiful night and we were so happy. I really felt like Mary after having Christ minus the wild animals. A month later Izzy was rushed to the hospital with an extremely high fever. After being hospitalized and much testing for almost 4 days we received the news that Izzy has a birth defect called VUR that causes her to get UTI's very easily. After 2 very bad UTI's her team of Doctors have decided to place her on antibiotics long term. When she turns a year she will be reevaluated. We are grateful for the prayers and wishes on her behalf. Other than this she is a very strong and determined little tike that fills everyone's life with happiness and joy.

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